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Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészet Program:

Applied Cognitive Linguistics

Barcelona, A. 2001. On the systematic contrastive analysis of conceptual metaphors: case studies and proposed methodology. In. Pütz, M., Niemeier, S., and Dirven, R. (Eds), Applied Cognitive Linguistics, II: Language Pedagogy (pp. 117-146). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Boers, F. 2000. Enhancing metaphoric awareness in specialised reading. English for Specific Purposes, 19: 137–147.

Boers, F. 2011. Cognitive semantic ways of teaching figurative phrases. An assessment. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 9(1): 227-261.

Danesi, M. 2016. Conceptual Fluency in Second Language Teaching: An Overview of Problems, Issues, Research Findings, and Pedagogy. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 5: 145-153.

De Rycker, A. and De Knop, S. 2009. Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching  Historical Background and New Developments. Journal of Modern Languages 19(1): 29-46.

Ellis, Nick C. and Robinson, P. 2008. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Language Instruction. In. Robinson, P., Ellis, Nick C. (Eds), Handbook of cognitive linguistics and SLA (pp. 3-24). London: Routledge.

Hijazo-Gascón, A. & Llopis-García, R.2018. Applied cognitive linguistics and foreign language learning. Introduction to the special issue. Special Issue: Applied Cognitive Linguistics to L2 acquisition and learning: research and convergence. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 57(1):1-20.

Hoang, Ha. 2014. Metaphor and Second Language Learning: The State of the Field. TESL-EJ, 18(2). Available: http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume18/ej70/ej70a5/

Hudson R. 2008. Word grammar, cognitive linguistics, and second language learning and teaching. In. Robinson P., Ellis Nick C. (Eds),  Handbook of cognitive linguistics and second language acquisition (pp.89-113) London: Routledge.

Kövecses, Z. 2001. A cognitive linguistic view of learning idioms in an FLT context. In. Pütz, M., Niemeier, S., and Dirven, R. (Eds) Applied cognitive linguistics II: Language Pedagogy (pp. 87-115). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Littlemore, J. & Low, G.D. 2006. Figurative Thinking and Foreign Language Learning. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Littlemore, J. 2009. Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching. United Kingdom, Palgrave MacMillan.

MacLennan, Carol H. G. 1994. Metaphors and prototypes in the learning and teaching of grammar and vocabulary. International Review of Applied Linguistics 32: 97–110.

Matsumoto, N. 2008. Bridges between Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy: The Case of Corpora and Their Potential. SKY Journal of Linguistics 21: 125-153.

Pütz, M. 2007. Cognitive Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. In. Geeraerts, D., Cuyckens, H. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. (pp. 1139-1159). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Roehr, K. 2010. Explicit knowledge and learning in SLA: A cognitive linguistics perspective. AILA Review, 23(1). 7-29.

Taylor, J. R. 1993. Some pedagogical implications of cognitive linguistics. In. Geiger, R. A. and Rudzka-Ostyn, B.(Eds), Conceptualizations and mental processing in language (pp. 201–223). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Tyler, A. and Huang, L. 2018. Introduction. In. Tyler, A., Huang, L. and Jan, H. (Eds), What is Applied Cognitive Linguistics? Applications of Cognitive Linguistics (38) (pp. 1-34). US, De Gruyter Mouton.

Tyler, A., Mueller, C., & Vu Ho. 2011. Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Learning the Semantics of to, for and at: An Experimental Investigation. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 8: 181-205.

Ungerer, F. 2001. Basicness and conceptual hierarchies in foreign language learning: a corpus-based study. In. Pütz, M., Niemeier, S., and Dirven, R. (Eds), Applied Cognitive Linguistics, II: Language Pedagogy (pp. 201–222) Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Crosscultural and Intercultural Pragmatics

Blum-Kulka, S. 1987. Indirectness and politeness: Same or different? Journal of Pragmatics, 11(2): 131-146.

Brabant, M., Watson, B. and Gallois, C. 2007.  Psychological perspectives: social psychology, language, and intercultural communication. In. Kotthoff, H., Spencer-Oatey, H. (Eds),  Handbook of Intercultural Communication (pp. 55–76). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Brown, P. 2017. Politeness and Impoliteness. In. Huang, Y. (Ed), The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics (pp. 383-399). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fernández Amaya, L. 2008. Teaching Culture: Is It Possible to Avoid Pragmatic Failure? Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 21: 11-24.

Ishihara, N. and Cohen, A. D. 2010.Teaching and Learning Pragmatics. Where Language and Culture Meet. UK: Pearson.

Kecskés, I. 2014. Intercultural Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lendvai, E. 2015. Interkulturális nyelvészet, interkulturális nyelvoktatás. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Közlemények, Miskolc, 10(1): 159-166.

Liddicoat, A. 2014. Pragmatics and intercultural mediation in intercultural language learning. Intercultural Pragmatics, 11(2): 259-277.

Mey, J. L. 2007. Developing pragmatics interculturally. In. Kecskés, I., Horn, L.R. (Eds), Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive and Intercultural Aspects (pp. 165–190). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Mey, J. L. 2017. The Sociological Foundations of Pragmatics. In. Huang, Y. (Ed), The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics (pp. 132-154). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Munoz de Cote, L.M. and van Dijk, S. 2012. Intercultural challenge to language learning. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2(4): 543-560.

Neuliep, J.W. 2017. Intercultural Communication. A Contextual Approach. Los Angeles, London: Sage.

Searle, J. R. 2007. What is language: Some preliminary remarks. In. Kecskés, I., Horn, L.R. (Eds), Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive and Intercultural Aspects (pp. 7–38). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Spencer, H.O. 2008. Face, (Im)politeness and Rapport. In. Spencer-Oatley, H. (Ed), Culturally speaking. Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory (pp. 11-47). London: Continuum.

Spencer-Oatey, H. and Jiang, W. 2003. Explaining cross-cultural pragmatic findings: moving from politeness maxims and sociopragmatic interactional principles (SIPs). Journal of Pragmatics, 35 (10-11): 1633-1650.

Sykes, J.M. 2018. Strategies and interlanguage pragmatics: Explicit and comprehensive. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8(2): 381-402.

Suszczyńska, Małgorzata. 1999. Aplogizing in English, Polish and Hungarian: Different languages, different strategies, Journal of Pragmatics, 31: 1053-1065.

Wierzbicka, A. 2003. Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction. Chapter 1. Introduction: semantics and pragmatics (pp. 1-24); Chapter 2. Different cultures, different languages, different speech acts (pp. 25-66); Chapter 3. Cross-cultural pragmatics and different cultural values (pp. 67-130). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Žegarac, V. 2007. A cognitive pragmatic perspective on communication and culture. In. Kotthoff, H., Spencer-Oatey, H. (Eds), Handbook of Intercultural Communication (pp. 31–54). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Žegarac, V. and Pennington, M.C.2008. Pragmatic Transfer. In. Spencer-Oatley, H. (Ed), Culturally speaking. Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory (pp. 141-163). London: Continuum.

The Role of Cross-linguistic Influence in Additional Language Learning

Arabski, Janusz. 2006. Language transfer in language learning and language contact. In: Arabski, Janusz eds. Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 12–22.

Aronin, Larissa and Hufeisen, Britta eds. 2009. The exploration of multilingualism: Development of research on L3, multilingualism and multiple language acquisition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Cenoz, Jasone. 2003. Cross-Linguistic in Third Language Acquisition: Implications for the Organization of the Multilingual mental Lexicon. Vereinigung für angewandte Linguistik in der Schweiz, 78: 1-11.

Cenoz, Jasone. 2005. Learning a third language: Cross-linguistic influence and its relationship to typology and age. In: Hufeisen, Britta and Robert J. Fouser eds. Introductory readings in L3. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1–11.

De Angelis, Gessica and Selinker, Larry. 2001. Interlanguage transfer and competing linguistic systems in the multilingual mind. In: Cenoz, Jasone, Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner eds. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 42–58.

Dewaele, Jean-Marc. 2001. Activation or inhibition? The interaction of L1, L2 and L3 on the language mode continuum. In: Cenoz, Jasone, Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner eds. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 69–89.

Hermas, Abdelkader. 2014. Multilingual transfer: L1 morphosyntax in L3 English. International Journal of Language Studies, 8(2): 10-24.

Jarvis, Scott and Pavlenko, Aneta . 2007. Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition. New York: Taylor & Francis Inc.

Kellerman, Eric. 2001. New uses for old language: cross-linguistic and cross-gestural influence in the narratives of non-native speakers. In: Cenoz, Jasone, Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner eds. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.,170–191.

Krashen, S.D. 1981. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press Inc.

Murphy, Shirin. 2003. Second language transfer during third language acquisition. In: Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Columbia University, 3(1): 1–21. https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/

Odlin, Terence. 1989. Language transfer: Cross-linguistic influence in language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Odlin, Terence. 3003. Cross-linguistic influence. In: eds. Catherine J. Doughty and Michael H. Long. The handbook of second language acquisition. Blackwell Publishing, 436-486.

Pfenninger, Simone E. and Singleton, David.  2016. Age of onset, socio-affect and cross-linguistic influence: a long-term classroom study. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 147-179.

Pinto, Jorge. 2013. Cross-linguistic influence at lexical level. A study with Moroccan learners of Portuguese as an L3/LN. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada, 13.

Ringbom, Håkan. 2006. The importance of different types of similarity of transfer studies. In: Arabski, Janusz eds. Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 36-45.

Ringbom, Håkan. 2007. Cross-linguistic similarity in foreign language learning. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Singleton, David. 2006. Lexical transfer: interlexical or intralexical?. In: Arabski, Janusz eds. Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 130-143.

Talebi, Seyed Hassan. 2013. Cross-linguistic Transfer (from L1 to L2, L2 to L1, and L2 to L3) of Reading Strategies in a Multicompetent Mind. Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 4(2): 432-436.

Tremblay, Marie-Claude. 2006. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: the role of L2 proficiency and L2 exposure. CLO/OPL, Vol. 34: 109-119.

Third or Additional Language Learning/Acquisition

Bardel, Camilla and Falk, Ylva. 2007. The role of the second language in third language acquisition: The case of Germanic syntax. Second Language Research, 23(4): 459-484.

Cenoz, Jasone. 2008. The acquisition of additional languages. ELIA, 8: 219-224.

Cenoz, Jasone. 2011. The influence of bilingualism on third language acquisition: Focus on multilingualism. Language Teaching, 46(1): 71-86.

Cook, Vivian. 1992. Evidence for multicompetence. Language Learning, 44(4): 557-591.

Cook, Vivian. 2008. Multicompetence: Black hole or wormhole for second language acquisition research? In: Han, ZhaoHong eds. Understanding second language process. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 16-26.

De Angelis, Gessica. 2007. Third or additional language acquisition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Falk, Ylva and Lindqvist, Christina. 2019. L1 and L2 role assignment in L3 learning. Is there a pattern?, International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(4): 411-424.

Fouser, Robert. J. 1995. Problems and prospects in third language acquisition research. Language Research, 31(2): 387-414.

Hammarberg, Björn. 2001. Roles of L1 and L2 in L3 production and acquisition. In: Cenoz, Jasone, Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner eds. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 21-41.

Jarvis, Scott and Pavlenko, Aneta. 2007. Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition. New York: Taylor & Francis Inc.

Jasone Rothman, Jorge Gonzales, Alonso and Eloi Puig-Mayenco. 2019. Third language acquisition and linguistic transfer. CUP

Jessner, Ulrike. 2008. State-of-the-Art Article. Teaching third languages: Findings, trends, challenges. Language Teaching, 41(1): 15-56.

Montanari Simona and Quay Suyanne. 2019. Multidisciplinary perspectives on multilingualism. The fundamentals. Berlin. De Gruyter.

Odlin, Terence. 1989. Language transfer: Cross-linguistic influence in language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rampillon, Ute . 2004. Learning strategies for the L2 to L3 threshold: the minimum profile. In: Hufeisen, Britta and Neuner, Gerhard eds. The plurilingualism project: Tertiary language learning – German after English. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 85-102.

Ringbom, Håkan. 2001. Lexical transfer in L3 production. In: Cenoz, Jasone,Britta Hufeisen, and Ulrike Jessner eds. Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 59–68.

Ringbom, Håkan. 2006. The importance of different types of similarity of transfer studies. In: Arabski, Janusz eds. Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 36-45.

T. Balla, Ágnes. 2013. The perceived role of L2 English in the process of learning L3 German. Romanian Journal of English Studies, 10(1): 62–76. Retrieved from: "https://litere.uvt.ro/publicatii/RJES/pdf/rjes-full-text.

Williams, Sarah and Hammarberg, Björn. 1998. Languages switches in L3 production: Implications for a polyglot speaking model. Applied Languistics, 19(3): 295-333.

Vetter, Eva and Jessner, Ulrike. 2019. Introduction: Advances in the Study of Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism. In: Vetter, Eva and Ulrike Jessner eds. International Research on Multilingualism: Breaking with the Monolingual Perspective. 1-9.

The spread of English, English as a lingua franca

Cogo, A. (2012). ELF and super-diversity: A case study of ELF multilingual practices from a business context. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 1(2), 287-313. https://doi.org/10.1515/jelf-2012-0020

Cogo, A. (2012). English as a lingua franca: Concepts, use, and implications. ELT Journal, 66(1), 97-105. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccr069

Cogo, A. (2016). They all take the risk and make the effort: Intercultural accommodation and multilingualism in a BELF community of practice. In L. Lopriore, & E. Grazzi (Eds.), Intercultural Communication: New Perspectives from ELF (pp. 364-383). Rome: Roma tre Press.

Fang, F. (2017). English as a lingua franca: Implications for pedagogy and assessment. TEFLIN, 28(1), 57-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.15639/teflinjournal.v28i1/57-70

Firth, A. (1996). The discursive accomplishment of normality: On "Lingua Franca" English and conversation analysis. Journal of Pragmatics, 26(2), 237-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(96)00014-8

Firth, A. (2009). The lingua franca factor. Intercultural Pragmatics, 6(2), 147-170. https://doi.org/10.1515/IPRG.2009.009

Gotti, M. (2017). English as a lingua franca in the academic world: Trends and dilemas. Lingue e Linguaggi, 24, 47-72. DOI 10.1285/i22390359v24p47

Guerra, L. (2016). Some common fallacies about learning and teaching English as a lingua franca. Fólio-Revista de Letras, 8(1), 367-382.


House, J. (2003). English as a lingua franca: A threat to multilingualism? Journal of Sociolinguistics, 7(4), 556-578. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9841.2003.00242.x

House, J. (2015). Repositioning English and multilingualism in English as a lingua franca. Englishes in Practice, 2(3), 49-85. DOI: 10.1515/eip-2015-0003

Ishikawa , T. (2016). World Englishes and English as a lingua franca: Conceptualising the legitimacy of Asian people's English. Asian Englishes, 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/13488678.2016.1171672

Jenkins, J. (2014). English, the lingua franca of the global academy. In J. Jenkins (Ed.), English as a lingua franca in the international university: The politics of academic English language policy (pp. 1-21). New York: Routledge.

Jenkins, J. (2018). The future of English as a lingua franca? In J. Jenkins, W. Baker, & M. Dewey (Eds.) , The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca (pp. 594-605). London and New York: Routledge.

Kalocsai, K. (2009). Erasmus exchange students: A behind-the scences view into an ELF community of practice. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 3(1), 25-49. Retrieved from http://apples.jyu.fi

Low, E. L., & Ran, A. (2018). The spread of English in ASEAN: Policies and issues. RELC Journal, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688218782513

Mauranen, A. (2017). A glimpse of ELF. In M. Filppula, J. Klemola, A. Mauranen, & S. Vetchinnikova (Eds.), Changing English: Global and local perspectives (pp. 223-254). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter.

McLaughlin, F. (2018). How a lingua franca spreads. In E. A. Albaugh (Ed.), Tracing language movement in Africa (pp. 213-234). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Melitz, J. (2018). English as a lingua franca: Facts, benefits and costs. The World Economy, 41(7), 1750-1774. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12643

Morbiducci, M. (2017). Reflecting on English lingua franca today: Expanding scenarios and growing dilemmas. An overview with introductory notes. Lingue e Linguaggi, 24, 7-22. DOI 10.1285/i22390359v24p7

Mufwene, S. S. (2010). The ET column: Globalization and the spread of English: What does it mean to be anglophone? English Today, 26, 57-59. DOI: 10.1017/S0266078409990605

Seidlhofer, B. (2011). Understanding English as a lingua franca. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shah, S., & Shoukat A. L. (2016). The role of interactive media in the spread of English language in the world: A language policy perspective. Language in India, 16, 133-144.

Sherman, T. (2018). ELF and the EU/wider Europe. In J. Jenkins, W. Baker, & M. Dewey (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca (pp. 115-125). London and New York: Routledge.

Sifakis, N. S., et al. (2018). ELF-awareness in ELT: Bringing together theory and practice. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 7(1), 155-209. DOI: 10.1515/jelf-2018-0008

Widdowson, H. G. (2018). Historical perspectives on ELF. In J. Jenkins, W. Baker, & M. Dewey (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Engish as a lingua franca (pp. 101-112). London and New York: Routledge.

Theories and approaches to linguistic politeness and impoliteness

Bousfield, D., & Locher, M. A. (2008). Impoliteness in language: Studies on its interplay with power in theory and practice. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Brown, P. (2015). Politeness and impoliteness. In Y. Huang (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of Pragmatics (pp. 383-399). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199697960.013.16

Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987). Realizations of politeness strategies in language. In P. Brown, & S. Levinson (Eds.), Politeness: Some universals in language usage (pp. 91-227). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Culpeper, J. (2008). Reflections on impoliteness, relational work and power. In D. Bousfield, & M. Locher (Eds.), Impoliteness in language: Studies on its interplay with power in theory and practice (pp. 17-43). Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Culpeper, J. (2011). Politeness and impoliteness. In K. Aijmer, & G. Andersen (Eds.), Pragmatics of Society (pp. 391-436). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Eelen, G. (2001). A critique of politeness theories. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.

Fraser, B. (1990). Perspectives on politeness. Journal of Pragmatics, 14, 219-236. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(90)90081-N

Goffman, E. (1967). On face-work. In E. Goffman (Ed.), Interaction ritual: Essays in face-to-face behaviour (pp. 5-45). New York: Routledge.

Jary, M. (1998). Relevance theory and the communication of politeness. Journal of Pragmatics, 30(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-2166(98)80005-2

Kadar, D. Z. & House, J. (2019). Revisiting speech acts from the perspective of ritual: A discussion note. Multilingua, 38(6), 687-692.

Kadar, D. Z. (2017). Politeness in pragmatics. The Oxford research encyclopedia of Linguistics. http://oxfordre.com/linguistics/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.001.0001/acrefore-9780199384655-e-218.

Kadar, D. Z., & Haugh, M. (2013). Understanding politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kasper, G. (1990). Linguistic politeness: Current research issues. Journal of Pragmatics, 14(2), 193-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(90)90080-W

Leech, G. (2014). Politeness: Viewpoints. In G. Leech (Ed.), The pragmatics of politeness (pp. 28-54). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Leech, G. N. (2005). Politeness: Is there an East-West divide? Journal of Foreign Languages, 6, 3-36. Lancaster University, UK. https://doi.org/10.1515/PR.2007.009

Locher, M. A. & Watts, R. J. (2008). Relational work and impoliteness: Negotiating norms of linguistic behaviour. In D. Bousfield, & M. Locher (Eds.), Impoliteness in language. Studies on its interplay with power in theory and practice (pp. 77-99). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, M. A. (2006). Polite behaviour within relational work: The discursive approach to politeness. Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 25(3), 249-267. DOI 10.1515/MULTI.2006.015

Locherr, M. A. & Watts, R. J. (2005). Politeness theory and relational work. Journal of Politeness Research, Language, Behaviour, Culture, 1(1), 9-33. http://edoc.unibas.ch/dok/A5250225

Mills, S. (2009). Impoliteness in a cultural context. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(5), 1047-1060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2008.10.014

Mills, S. (2011). Discursive approaches to politeness and impoliteness. In Linguistic Politeness Research Group (Eds.), Discursive approaches to politeness (pp. 19-56). Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.

Ogiermann, E. & Blitvich, P. G. (2019). Im/politeness between the analyst and participant perspectives: An overview of the field. In E. Ogiermann, & P. G.-C. Blitvich (Eds.), From speech acts to lay understandings of politeness: Multilingual and multicutural perspectives (pp. 1-24). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Spencer-Oatey, H. (2000). Rapport management: A framework for analysis. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.), Culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 11-46). London: Continuum.

Thomas, J. (1995). Theories of politeness. In J. Thomas (Ed.), Meaning in interaction: An introduction to Pragmatics (pp. 149-182). London and New York: Routledge.

Watts, R. J. (2003). Politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Watts, R. J., Ide, S. & Ehlich, K. (2005). Politeness in language: Studies in its history, theory and practice (2nd ed.). Berlin/New York: Walter De Gruyter Inc.

Elméleti Nyelvészet Program:


Allami, Hamid. “A sociopragmatic study of the offer speech act in Persian.” Research in Applied Linguistics 3, no.1 (2012): 110-129.

Austin, John L. How to do things with words. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1962.

Barron, Anne. “Offers in English.” In Doing pragmatics interculturally: cognitive, philosophical, and sociopragmatic perspectives, edited by Rachel Giora and Michael Haugh, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (2017): 335-352.

Brown, Penelope and Stephen Levinson. “Realizations of politeness strategies in language.” In Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson, Politeness: Some universals in language usage, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1987): 91-227.

Brown, Penelope and Stephen Levinson. “The argument: Intuitive bases and derivative definitions.” In Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson, Politeness: Some universals in language usage, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1987): 61-84.

Fraser, Bruce. “Perspectives on politeness.” Journal of Pragmatics 14, no. 2 (1990): 219-236.

Grice, H. Paul. “Logic and conversation.” In Syntax and Semantics, Vol.3., edited by Peter Cole, and Jerry L. Morgan, New York: Academic Press (1975): 41-58.

Haverkate, Henk. “Speech acts, speakers, and hearers.” In Henk Haverkate, Speech acts, speakers and hearers: Reference and referential strategies in Spanish, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing (1984): 9-35.

Huang, Yan. “Speech acts”. In Yan Huang, Pragmatics, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2007): 93-131.

Hussein, Hadher, Abbood Ad-Darraji, Thomas Chow Voon Foo , Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, and Esbah Shaker Abdulah. “Offering as a comissive and directive speech act: Consequence for cross-cultural communication.” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2, no. 3 (2012): 1-6.

Lakoff, Robin. “The logic of politeness; or minding your P’s and Q’s”. Papers from the Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 9 (1973): 292-305.

Leech, Geoffrey N. “Politeness: the model.” In Geoffrey N. Leech. The pragmatics of politeness, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2014): 80-114.

Levinson, Stephen C.  “Speech Acts.” In The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Huang Yan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2017): 199-217.

Mohammed, Hiba Nassrullah and Nawal Fadhil Abbas. “Pragmatics of impoliteness and rudeness.”  American International Journal of Social Science 4.6 (2015): 195-205.

Searle, John R. “A taxonomy of illocutionary acts.” In John R. Searle, Expression and meaning: Studies in the theory of speech acts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1985): 1-29.

Searle, John R. “Indirect speech acts.” In John R. Searle, Expression and meaning: Studies in the theory of speech acts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1985): 30-57.

Searle, John R. “The structure of illocutionary acts.” In John R. Searle, Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1969): 54-71.

Terkourafi, Marina. “Politeness and Pragmatics.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Keith Allan & Kasia M. Jaszczolt, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2012): 617-637.

Thomas, Jenny. “Conversational implicature.” In Jenny Thomas, Meaning in interaction. An introduction to pragmatics, London and New York: Longman (1995): 55-86.

Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis

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Cognitive linguistics

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Processing of word stress related acoustic information:a multi-feature MMN study

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Lexical influence on stress processing in a fixed-stress language


Neurocognition of tones: 

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Cross-language differences in the brain network subserving intelligible speech.

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Categorical perception of lexical tones in Chinese revealed by mismatch negativity


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Cross-language differences in the brain networksubserving intelligible speech.

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The Boroditsky-debate

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