Language of instruction: Hungarian

8 semesters – total credits: 240

1. Obligatory requirements (200 credits)

a) Research (a total of 170 credits: 10 each in semesters 1 and 2, and 25 each in semesters 3 through 8)

Research leading to the dissertation, as specified by the dissertation advisor.

The research requirement involves completion of a research report in each of the first two semesters of coursework, to be accepted by the dissertation advisor, and the completion of a publishable paper in each of the semesters 3 through 6.

In semesters 7 and 8, completed chapters of the dissertation are to be handed in and an oral presentation based on them to be given for the successful fulfillment of the research credits.

b) Obligatory courses: 6 (contact hours: 2 hours weekly, 5 credits per course, total of 30 credits)

3 courses in each of the first two semesters choosing from the following offerings:

1. Phonology (G. Zsigri)

2. Morphology (G. Zsigri)

3. Semantics (Z. Vecsey)

4. Syntax (I. Kenesei)

5. Historical Linguistics (T. Forgács)

6. Comparative Linguistics (M. Bakró-Nagy)

7. Sociolinguistics (M. Németh/B. Sinkovics)

8. Dialectology (M. Németh/B. Sinkovics)

9. Discourse and Text (A. Schirm/Gy. Sejtes)

10. Neurolinguistics (I. Hoffmann)

2. Optional requirements (a total of 40 credits, 20 of them to be completed in semesters 1–4 and 20 in semesters 5–8, to be fulfilled in any combination of the five categories of requirements below)

a) Optional courses (from any program within the Doctoral School of Linguistics):
4 credits each (a maximum of one per semester, to be taken with the approval of the program director and dissertation advisor)

b) Research seminar (with the dissertation advisor) (4 credits per semester)

c) Conference presentations (individually authored or co-authored presentation or poster presentation listed in the conference program)

poster presentation in mother tongue    1

poster presentation in a second/foreign language    2

oral conference presentation in mother tongue    4

oral conference presentation in a second/foreign language    5

d) Paper published or accepted for publication

paper in mother tongue    4

paper in a second/foreign language    5

e) Teaching (one one-hour seminar course of 14 weeks: 2 credits; a maximum of 8 credits per semester, and a total of 48 credits as per University of Szeged Regulations of Doctoral Studies and Conferring the Doctoral Degree).

f) Scholarly peer review    1


Descriptive or historical phonology of Hungarian

Descriptive or historical morphology of Hungarian

Descriptive or historical syntax of Hungarian

Descriptive or historical lexicology of Hungarian

Descriptive or historical lexicography

Sociolinguistics of Hungarian

Dialectology of Hungarian


Discourse analysis

Psycho- and Neurolinguistics


Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian: Investigation of specific problems of the grammar of Hungarian (e.g.: morphology, syntactic problems, complement structure, verb classes, etc.)

Supervisors: Prof. Tamás Forgács DSc, Anita Schirm PhD

Historical linguistics: History of Hungarian, Questions of language change

Supervisor: Prof. Tamás Forgács DSc, Miklós Németh PhD, Balázs Sinkovics PhD

Text linguistics and stylistics: Investigations in text analysis and stylistics

Supervisors: Anita Schirm PhD, Györgyi Sejtes PhD

Phraseology: Hungarian or contrastive phraseology

Supervisor: Prof. Tamás Forgács DSc


Tamás Forgács

Miklós Németh

Anita Schirm

Balázs Sinkovics

Zsigriné Györgyi Sejtes


PhD students have access to the libraries of the Department of Hungarian Linguistics, the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies and the Department of General Linguistics. Furthermore, they can use computers, printers, Xerox machines of the Department of Hungarian Linguistics together with the Department’s electronic databases.


Every applicant must hand in their M.A. thesis or a longer paper in linguistics two weeks before the entrance examination.

Apart from that, the applicant has to talk about their research perspectives and about their field(s) of interest in linguistics.

Knowledge of modern languages or knowledge of Latin in case of interest in historical linguistics is strongly preferred. Besides, every applicant should have some knowledge of English (reading and understanding).

Knowledge of the literature given by the programme.


Anikó Berente: A szegedi boszorkányperek (1726-1744) jegyzői: Történeti dialektológiai és szociolingvisztikai vizsgálat. [Historical dialectological and historical sociolinguistic analysis in the witchcraft trials of Szeged]. 2021.

Supervisor: Miklós Németh, PhD

Márta Zita Szücs: A célzás, a metafora és az irónia megértésének kognitív, nyelvi és metapragmatikai összefüggései óvodáskorban [Cognitive, linguistic and metapragmatic relations between comprehension of hints, metaphors and irony in preschool children]. 2016.

Supervisors: Ildikó Hoffman, PhD, Anna Babarczy, PhD

Anita Schirm: A diskurzusjelölők funkciói: a hát, az -e és a vajon elemek története és jelenkori szinkrón státusa alapján [The function of Hungarian discourse markers: The history and present synchronic status of the Hungarian elements hát, -e and vajon]. 2011.

Supervisor: Prof. Enikő Németh T., DSc

Balázs Sinkovics: Nyelvi változók, nyelvi változások és normatív szabályozás [Linguistic variables, language changes and normative regulations]. 2010.

Supervisor: Prof. Tamás Forgács, DSc

Attila László Nemesi: Az alakzatok kérdése a pragmatikában [The issue of figurative language in pragmatics]. 2006.

Supervisor: Prof. Enikő Németh T., DSc

Miklós Németh: Nyelvjárás, beszélt nyelv és sztenderdizációs törekvések a XVIII. századi szegedi írnoki nyelvváltozatban [Dialects, spoken language and spontaneous attempts to standardization in the language use of 18th century Szeged scribes]. 2002. Supervisor: Prof. Tamás Forgács, DSc 



Programme director: Prof. Tamás Forgács DSc

Department of Hungarian Linguistics

H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Phone: +36-62-544-815

Fax: +36-62-544-687

E-mail: forgacs at